The president signed the instrument of abdication. 总统签署了退位的文告。
The King signed the instrument of abdication. 国王签署了退位的正式文件。
This Agreement shall be signed in four ( 4) counterparts and all such counterparts taken together shall be deemed to constitute one and the same instrument. 本协议签署时应一式四份,并且所有该四份协议应被视为本协议的一个整体。
Any entity referred to in paragraph may deposit ( I) an instrument of ratification, if it has signed this Treaty,( ii) an instrument of accession, if it has not signed this Treaty. 第(1)款所指任何实体均可交存:批准书,指已签署本条约的;加入书,指未签署本条约的。
So, on September 2nd, representatives from Japan, China and eight other Allied powers gathered on the deck of the USS "Missouri" in Tokyo Bay. They signed on the Japanese instrument of surrender. 因此,9月2日,在停泊于东京湾的美国密苏里号战列舰上,日本代表同中国及其他八个同盟国的代表签署了日本降伏文书。